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Learn to drive a stick shift
When I was learning to drive, the training car had a manual transmission. However after I got my driver's license, I started driving only automatic ones - my own car and every rent car abroad. It was up until 2018 when I got into a situation where I needed a car but there were no available vehicles with an automatic transmission, just with manual ones. So after 8 years of driving automatic cars I decided to try to recall how to drive a stick. Surprisingly, even though it was bumpy in the beginning, I loved it! From that moment on I'm renting only manual cars during trips where it is possible. It is much cheaper, more available options, and I genuinely enjoy these rides =)
Completed, somewhat. Not very confident in my driving abilities with a manual transmission, BUT I managed to drive from the high school back to my house without stalling so that should count for something.
September 15, 2013
September 2, 2012 - Had a first short lesson in standards. Some clumsy shifting from first to second to third. Stalled a lot.
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