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Write down every dream I have for a week
October 7-13 2014.
Wrote down my dreams from 10.29.13 through 11.4.13
I finished my dream journal as of yesterday. It was surprisingly more insightful than I had anticipated. I realized that I see all aspects of my day in my dreams each night: my pets, work, music, ghost hunting TV shows, fun, stress, love... I think it helped me to realize that I take too much of my work home with me, and also why I don't sleep very well during the week. I would recommend this to anyone!
The dream about the viola: I was standing in a marketplace performing. A woman in her 50s approached me, asking if I would demonstrate vibrato. I did, and then she went and asked someone else to do the same thing. She told me she liked the tone of the other person's viola better. I was so ashamed...
The dream about the viola: I was standing in a marketplace performing. A woman in her 50s approached me, asking if I would demonstrate vibrato. I did, and then she went and asked someone else to do the same thing. She told me she liked the tone of the other person's viola better. I was so ashamed...
jan 7th - 13th 2013
Start November 1
Creativity Mindfulness Personal Growth Reflection Self-Discovery Self-Reflection Imagination Self-Awareness Introspection Mental Clarity Memory Sleep Sleep Hygiene Interpretation Visualization
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