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Fill a jar with notes of good things that happen to me for a year
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On 419 lists and 27 people have done it.
Brought a small jar from Poundland today and decorated it with smiley face stickers. Originally there were rubber bands in it but I took those out as I wanted a small jar to put all my notes in. Will be decorating the lid next! 😊
Planning to order a set of these off Amazon and use them to fill out my jar of good things! Will be getting the jar separately from either Hobbycraft, Poundland or any other shop that sells them.
Now I have officially started! :O
The jar has arrived! <3 Ready to start *-*
I have kinda done that but there is quite few notes, not because good things don't happen to me, maybe it is because I don't appreciate them enough. Nevertheless, it's a good idea.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! ... Yesterday Mom and I had a beautiful cozy evening. We read everything that was in that jar, to our amazement. Some things we did remember, some things we had forgotten about, and it was great to reconnect with past joys. At some points, we realized we even had forgotten to put some things in that jar, and that we had even more reasons to be grateful than we first thought.
Started on May 22, 2019.
Restarting for 2019 :)
01 Eylül 2018

1. (Çok güldüm) Birden mutfağın önünden geçerken annemin kendisi için yaptığı sucuğu benden korumak için pike yapması

2. (Çok güldüm) Anneme çamaşır makinesinin kapağının olmadığını söylediğimde vukuata giden mahalle abisi gibi elindeki örtüyü atıp "Nasıl yok?!" diye hamlesi

3. Neredeyse 20 yıl sonra filtre kahve makinesinin çalışması, adeta babadan yeni dönem hediyesi

4. Arka bahçedeki kediye süt anne bulduk

5. Asansörün ve laboratuvarın yanındaki yeni ofisimize taşınıyoruz

Starting on #ValentinesDay February 14, 2018.
Started 5/22/2017